What is "External ID"?
External ID is a unique identifier that helps us recognize players and coaches across all leagues and seasons they participate in. We recommend using official registration numbers provided by governing bodies as External IDs. If left blank, an External ID will be generated automatically for the player.
Teams imported from the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) or USA Hockey have an External ID that matches the player's registration number.
Properly inputting External ID across multiple events, leagues and seasons allows for career stats to be tracked cumulatively year to year and team to team.
- External ID is not required and will be generated by the system if not specified.
- Rosters imported from the Hockey Canada Registry and USA Hockey have their external ID set and linked automatically.
Pro Tip
- If manually specifying an external ID, set the value to the player / coach’s registration number. This value should be unique and will link the player / coach in GameSheet.