Hockey Canada Registry FAQ

Who can import teams/rosters from the HCR?

  • GameSheet can import teams from the HCR.
  • Users with the Director or Convenor role who have access credentials for the HCR can also perform this task.

When are teams imported from the HCR?

  • Typically this can be done a week or less before the season begins, on a date agreed upon between GameSheet and the League.

Does the roster need to be "approved" before importing?

  • No, the rosters do not need to be “approved” for GameSheet to be able to access and import them.

Are the rosters updated automatically during the season?

  • No, once the initial import has been completed, it is the responsibility of the League / Team to manage their roster.
  • Updating from the HCR mid-season would remove any modifications teams may have made in GameSheet. An example would be a player who prefers a shortened version of their name.  Re-importing this team will overwrite those edits.

What about other players added to the HCR after the initial roster import?

  • Changes made in the HCR after the initial import will need to be replicated in GameSheet. Leagues / Teams are responsible for maintaining their rosters after the initial import.

What if the HCR import has been completed and not all teams are in GameSheet?

  • Missing teams can be added by hand via the Dashboard by a user with the Director or Convenor role. 
  • Rosters can be input manually by a user with the Team Manager, Convenor, or Director role.


  • Ensure everyone in your League is aware of the date that GameSheet will be importing the rosters from the HCR. Let them know that if their rosters are not entered by then, they will need to add their rosters to the system themselves.
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