Importing Rosters via CSV (Excel)
Team rosters are often tracked using spreadsheets. These spreadsheets can be exported/saved as CSV (comma separated value) files that, when formatted correctly, can be imported into GameSheet. This saves a great deal of time compared to entering each player individually.
Who has the ability to import a roster?
Users who have the Director, Convenor, or Manager role for the destination team(s).
How do you import a roster for a single team?
- Navigate to your team's roster page, either via the Season Teams page or through the team's Division.
- Click the "Import From CSV" button in the top right.
- Ensure your CSV file matches the expected layout and upload it to receive a preview of the import.
- Confirm the import to load your team's roster.
Example CSV
Pro Tips
- Use the External ID to track player stats across seasons. Typically, it should match the registration ID.
- Keep all columns in the CSV template. Don't remove any column, even if it will be empty.
- Column order does not matter as long as the headings match the template.
- To export an Excel file to a CSV, choose "Save As", then pick "CSV (Comma delimited)" in the "Save as type" box.
How do you import rosters for multiple teams at once?
- Navigate to your Season and click the "Import From CSV" button in the Season Roster section.
- Unlike importing a single team's roster, you'll need to add the appropriate Team ID to each row in order to assign the players and coaches to their respective teams.
Pro Tips
- Players /Coaches imported without a Team ID are added to the season roster, but will not be assigned to any teams.
- For large seasons, e.g. 500+ players, it is best to break your import CSV into several files.
Where do I find the Team ID?
The Team ID is shown where the team is listed in our system — In the Season Teams page, or the Division Teams page.
Can I preview my import?
- Yes, prior to importing your roster we will provide you with a preview / summary detailing how many players / coaches will be imported.
- If there are any errors in the import CSV file, the system will inform you of them. (eg - missing a column or using an incorrectly spelled position etc)