Scheduling Games

Scheduled Games appear on the iPad Scoring app and are also part of the Scores / Standings / Schedule web tools. By adding a schedule of games, scorekeepers can quickly start a new game with teams, game #, location, etc. pre-filled instead of creating a game from “scratch”. 

In order to add scheduled games, you will need to have permissions either as a Season "Director", "Convenor" or a Season "Scheduler". 

How are Scheduled Games added to the System?

Option 1: One at a time via the Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Games page within your Season.
  2. Click on the green "+ New Scheduled Game" button at the top right.
  3. Enter Game information.

    Note - All Required Fields are marked with a red asterisk *

  4. Click "Create Scheduled Game"

Option 2: Via CSV import

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Games page within your Season.
  2. Click the "CSV Actions" Dropdown button on the top right, and select "Import from CSV"
  3. On this page you can see all of the Formatting Requirements, and Required Fields, which are marked with a red asterisk *, as well as the Schedule Template. 

    A copy of the Schedule Import CSV Template is available here:  Schedule-Template.csv

  4. Enter your information into the CSV File, ensuring that everything is spelt and formatted correctly.
  5. Once finished entering your Schedule information, save your changes, return to the GameSheet Dashboard, click the "Select File" button at the bottom right, and select your CSV schedule.

If there are any spelling/formatting mistakes you will get "Validation Errors". Please take a look at this article that explains the Common CSV Import Errors

What information is required?

  • The Date, Start/End Time, Timezone Game Number, Game Type, and the Home Team’s Division are needed.  (These can be updated later)
    • Time Zone: This will automatically select your devices timezone. If it needs to be updated please select the proper timezone from the dropdown.
    • End Time: Once you add the Start Time, the End time will automatically populate 1h 15min afterwards. This can be updated if needed.
  • It is not necessary to know what teams are playing in a game to schedule it ahead of time. 

What if I don’t know which teams will be in a game?

  • Leave the team names blank, and Schedule the game with the rest of the available items. Then you can update it after the teams are confirmed.

How do you edit an existing Scheduled Game?  

Option 1: Edit an individual game on the Dashboard

  1. Go to View Schedule on the Dashboard
  2. Search/find the game that needs editing/updating.
  3. Click on the Blue Home or Blue Visitor team (TBD will be in blue) of the game you want to edit.   This will bring up an editable menu.
  4. Make your changes, and then save.

Option 2: Via CSV export/import

  • You can edit multiple scheduled games at once via CSV.
  • While on the "Scheduled Games" page, click "CSV Actions" and select "Export to CSV."
  • Open the CSV file and edit any game, just make sure that the Game ID remains the same. You can also add new games to the list.
  • Save your updated games list as a CSV file and return to the Dashboard
  • Click "CSV Actions" and select "Import from CSV." Select your updated games schedule.

How long does it take for changes to appear on the website?

  • Updates to scheduled games are available immediately. If you have the Schedule page open you may need to refresh/reload the page. 


  • Be careful to match the team and division names in the GameSheet system with those on your CSV import file. The names must match exactly in order for the import to work. 
  • All games must have a Game Number
  • Game # can be Alpha Numeric.  Eg: PW-1
  • It is a good idea to use Game #’s that are descriptive in nature.  Examples: U18 Pool Play Game where the Matchup is 1st in Pool A vs 1st in Pool B - U18-A1vsB1

    U18 Semi-Final Game could use the Game#:  U18-SF-1

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