Importing a roster from the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR)
Using GameSheet's integration with Hockey Canada, teams have the ability to import their Hockey Canada approved roster directly into their GameSheet team. The process is easy and all you need to get started is your Hockey Canada Team ID.
How to Import Your Team's Roster from Hockey Canada on the Team Dashboard
- Navigate to the Roster tab and click Actions"
- Click "Import from Hockey Canada"
- Select the top-level organization and paste in the Hockey Canada Team ID and click "Start Import Process"
- Grab a coffee and hang tight while your roster is imported automagically from the Hockey Canada Registry.
Pro Tips
- Team IDs can be found on the Official Team Roster. You can get a copy of your Official Team Roster from your local association's registrar.
- The Team ID is formatted as a # sign followed by 16 digits. The first 4 digits should be the year that the team is being registered for. E.g. 2021 followed by 12 other digits. E.g. #2021532900001105
- If your roster does not import, double check that your Team ID is correct and that your roster is approved — only approved rosters can be imported.